Thursday, October 16, 2014

Links for Inspiration and Research

Lakeside Pottery - great ideas for slab construction

Here are a few Pinterest links to check out for clay:

I just started my own.

Ms. Kelly Gartland is one of my former students! HTHS 2003 - Art teacher at Moorestown HS :-)

Shannah Dean - ceramics board

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Clay Stages

or.... SoPoLoGoBoGo as I call them! Slip, Plastic, Leather Hard, Greenware, Bisque and Glazeware.

My students are learning the clay stages. To help them remember, they made a list of descriptive words for the stage they were assigned.

Here is what their descriptions for the four middle clay stages look like when made into a wordle! :-)

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Written Assignment

My ceramics students only:

Please complete this form for the clay stage you were assigned in class.


Dirty hands = Engaged minds

We have been busy and learning so much! Students have created several bowls, test tiles for glazing practice and a cup. So far we have glazed our bowls and are beginning the work on our multi-technique vessel. More pictures coming soon!