Monday, January 5, 2015

Handbuilding video links - lots to learn!

There aren't enough hours in a school day for me to demonstrate every technique or process to my students. Luckily, there are so many great teachers and amazing ideas out there to watch and learn from! Here are a few I have come across.

Ceramic Arts Daily is a happy place!  Be sure to scroll down each page, some have multiple video links on the same topic

Handbuilt forms with soft slabs

Building a slab vase (leather hard slabs)

Handbuilding: texture and surfaces

Friday, January 2, 2015

Midterm Project/Presentation Requirements

The multi-media assignment was introduced on December 18th and the students will be working on it in and out of class during the first three weeks in January. Students should come prepared to hit the ground running on creating and documenting their midterm piece beginning on January 5th.

Students will be required to create a functional or decorative piece and will photograph it throughout the evolution of its construction. The piece must be constructed of at least three different components to create a new and unique form. The finished work must be able to fit in a shoebox.  (For an example: the piece featured above consists of 5 components - a foot, 2 bowls to create a sphere and 2 conical forms. However, it is larger than would fit in a shoebox.) The size limitation is due to the time constraint of building a larger piece.

The photographs will become part of a narrated slideshow where the student explains his/her intentions, techniques and process. The slideshow will be created on their iPads using the educreations app.

Ceramic Work = 50 points.
Narrated Slide-Show = 50 points.
The mid-term assignment requirements and rubrics are available here.